viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014


Shut your eyes butterfly and trust the skies,
I had enough of my shit too,
Your flight plan is justified.

I'm not sure I feel as awful as I act,
But Romeo never got his way by faking a laugh,
I'm making this puzzle one war at a time,
Yours truly,
My only and beloved falsely mine.

EYEDEA - Dead Wallets

Were all born into this river without knowing how to swim
And eventually we learn how to keep the water under our chins
Some times this river is so cold to be in
Freezing my soul, solidifying my skin

Regardless of how far I see, I never see my travels in
We're carried by the current, being driven by the wind
The scenery we pass, we'll never see again
So we store it up as memories and don't let go of them
Were under a spell thinking the river should go straight
We set goals and desires to control our own fate
But all the pain we experience is a result of our expectations
Because it's the rivers nature to twist and turn
The shit can burn
And I know it
I have the same conflict

But I try to sit and flow with this rivers natural process
And sometimes when I watch myself float downstream
I see the beauty of it all, and it feels like a dream

And at that time I appreciate the rivers course
Some call it God, reality, momentum, force

I stare up at the naked moon, and she stares down at me
Outside false boundaries I’m all I look outward to see
The universe is not something separate from yourself
I know you feel alone, but that's why I'm here to help
I know you feel alone, but just look up at the stars
And everything that is out there is what you really are

We gotta learn to see the beauty in each moment of life
Everyone has different pasts and we're seeking the light
The world is divided between peasants and kings
But the truth is everyone is looking for the same thing

Now I want you to know
The role you play is part of the whole
Without you it couldn't be, and I mean that with compassion

So if you need anything, I mean anything at all
I'm here for you; all you gotta do is ask man
I'm here for you, in the same way that you're here for me

Each person in an intricate piece of infinity
I feel that if you could see what I see
Then we as humanity could be free

I'm here for you, not for any self centered reasons
Because existence is interdependent and all's related
Connected in its different manifestations of one single mind

You ain't isolated from the world even though it feels like that sometimes



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